Our Advice Services
How We Can Help
One of the most important steps towards getting to wherever it is you want to go is having the right information on hand. That’s why we offer advice, information and guidance from expert, trained advisers as part of our core services to the community.
How We Can Help
As part of Limehouse Project’s core services to the community, we offer advice and support to all residents in Tower Hamlets.
Our Advisers are trained and experienced in advice and guidance and can offer advice and support in English, Bengali and Hindi/Urdu. (If we are unable to communicate in your preferred language, we will suggest that you bring along an interpreter or we will direct you to a suitable advice organisation for support).
The Advice Service offers free confidential generalist impartial one-to-one information, advice and support on:
• Welfare Benefits (Including Benefits Checks)
• Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction
• Immigration (Generalist Level Advice)
• Housing
• Money & Debt (Generalist Level Advice)
• Energy Efficiency
How To Access: To access the Advice Service, you will need to register with Limehouse Project. The Advice Service is offered via pre-booked appointment only both face-to-face and telephone advice.
If you would like to book an Advice Appointment, please either call us on 020 7538 0075 (our phone lines are open from Monday to Friday between 9:30 am – 1 pm and 2 pm – 4: 00 pm) or email us any time at advice@limehouseproject.org.uk.
Please note that once you have contacted us via email with an enquiry or to book an appointment, you will be contacted within 2-5 working days with a response.
Please Note: Due to the high volume of referrals, we operate on a strictly first-come-first-served basis, when we are at full capacity clients are referred/signposted to other local advice organisations.
Tip: For your advice appointment please bring paperwork/letters related to the enquiry to avoid delay.
To view all of our contact information, please click here. If you would like to email general questions to us, please do so by clicking here (info@limehouseproject.org.uk).
Alternatively, if you live in Tower Hamlets and are unsure of where your nearest advice centre is, you can find further information here.
PLEASE NOTE: At this time, we are only able to advise Tower Hamlets residents. If you live outside Tower Hamlets, the following borough-led links may assist you in accessing the service you need:
Available Services
Drop in Sessions
Please note currently we do not offer drop-in advice service. The Advice Service is offered via pre-booked appointment only both face-to-face and telephone advice. Clients are seen on a first-come-first-served basis, when we are at full capacity clients are referred/signposted to other local advice organisations.
Many problems can be solved by finding out more about your rights and responsibilities. There are a number of free self-help resources from nationally recognised sources that can provide information to help you deal with particular problems. These include a range of fact sheets and guides that can help you resolve straight forward problems with debt, housing, benefits, and employment and family issues. There are also a number of free national help lines and specialist websites that can assist you. If your problem has an urgent deadline (such as a court hearing or eviction), please contact one of the local advice services straight away for an appointment, and also look at our fact sheets section.
- Self-help information from Citizens Advice: visit Citizens Advice website
- How to solve an everyday legal problem
- Information about Legal Aid
- Consumer Rights Disability Rights
- Tax advice
- Legal advice on family and relationship matters
- Community information directory for Tower Hamlets
- Find a solicitor
- Free Legal help
Get advice early – whatever the problem, make sure you seek help as soon as possible.
Our Outreach Sites
As well as delivering our advice services on site, our Advice Team also works closely with a number of other delivery partners to ensure we are available to offer advice and support at a number of locations in Tower Hamlets for the local community.
Please Note: To access advice at outreach sites you must book an appointment in advance. Please contact the partner organisations for more details on how to book an appointment.
Tower Hamlets Homes Financial Health Centre – Raynham House, Massingham St, London E1 4EB
Website: www.towerhamletshomes.org.uk
Telephone: 0207 364 2200 Phone lines are open Monday to Friday 10 am-4 pm.
Email: fhc@thh.org.uk
Please Note: You will not be able to see an advisor without an appointment.
Jubilee Street Practice – 368-374 Commercial Road, London E1 0LS
Telephone: 0207 780 8000
Website: https://jubileestreetpractice.nhs.uk/
Please Note: You will have to be a registered patient to access advice and support. You will not be able to see an advisor without an appointment.
Mission Practice – 208 Cambridge Heath Road London E2 9LS
Website: https://www.themissionpractice.nhs.uk/
Telephone: 020 8983 7300
Please Note: You will have to be a registered patient to access advice and support. You will not be able to see an advisor without an appointment.
The Residents’ Hub – Tower Hamlets Town Hall, 160 Whitechapel Road London E1 1BJ
Telephone: 020 7364 5055
Opening Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am to 4.30pm Wednesday from 10am to 4.30pm
Please Note: You will not be able to see an advisor without an appointment.
Goodman’s Fields Medical Practice – 11 Stable Walk, London E1 8ZF
Website: https://eastlondongp.co.uk/
Telephone: 020 7702 2036
Please Note: You will have to be a registered patient to access advice and support. You will not be able to see an advisor without an appointment.
St Stephens Health Centre – Bow Community Hall, William Place, London E3 5ED
Website: https://ststephenstowerhamlets.nhs.uk/
Telephone: 020 8980 1760
Please Note: You will have to be a registered patient to access advice and support. You will not be able to see an advisor without an appointment.
Limehouse Practice – Gill Street Health Centre, 11 Gill Street, London E14 8HQ
Website: https://www.limehousepractice.co.uk/
Telephone: 020 7515 2211
Blithehale Health Centre – 22 Dunbridge Street, London E2 6JA
Website: https://www.blithehalemedicalcentre.nhs.uk/
Telephone: 020 7739 5497
Please Note: You will have to be a registered patient to access advice and support. You will not be able to see an advisor without an appointment.
To see a list of all our sites, including public transportation options for each, please click here.